Week 1 & 2

Chapter. 04

wk 1. Hearing the voice of God

Week 1 has started with Steve Klassen from Canada who had established Mark Training centre to disciples people from all around the world h10911280_10153067465106532_1728190939502496873_oow to listen to God’s voice. It was so amazing that his teaching was strongly rooted by the Word and students were greatly encouraged that God is always at work and speaks to us at all times so they ย can hear the voice of God ๐Ÿ™‚

wk 2. Father Heart of God

It was such an intense week for the students because as the part of the lecture, they were encouraged to face the bricks (sin pieces in their life from the past) in there deep part of hearts to move it away. Even though it was their second week everyone was really opened and being vulnerable before God and to each other to this cleansing & purifying process. There were many testimonies of being healed and freed from the past wounds and sins. God is so faithful..and good all the time.

Outreach Team revealed!


Finally! Our out-reach location has been revealed to the students, we’ll be a team of three going to three different Middle East countries and Swaziland, Africa & USA ๐Ÿ™‚ Two teams of Six students and two staffs, and the last team of 8 students with two staffs. We are all so excited for what God is going to do in and through every student!

Please stay tuned for the next update! Week three of ‘The Nature and the Character of God’ and our mini local outreach in the city!

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