7 practices of Lifestyle Missionary

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1. PRAY EXPECTANTLY VS. RELIGIOUSLY                                                    

VALUE: A lifestyle missionary lives with an awakened heart to the reality that God is everywhere around us speaking and guiding us in all things. They seek to be transformational not transactional in how they listen twice and talk once, ask good questions, and make an effort to actively HEAR what others and God are saying before responding.

ACTION: I resolve to remain awake in season (church, small groups, etc.) and out of season (at work, home, hobbies) to how God is speaking to and through me.


VALUE: A lifestyle missionary doesn’t just talk, read, and discuss the stories of the missional calling of Jesus but actively lives it out within the 360 degrees of arms reach. A Lifestyle Missionary commits themselves to the reading of the word and not just reading others opinions about the word, in order that they will actively pursue and live the mission of Jesus to restore all things.

ACTION: I resolve to better understand my biblical narrative identity so that I can incarnate the scripture to the world around me.


VALUE: A lifestyle missionary functions as part of a team rather than alone, seeking collaboration instead of isolation, understanding that God created us for companionship and with a need for the accountability, assistance, and correction that comes from working alongside others. Lifestyle missionaries inclusive not exclusive by living with open doors and an open heart, understanding that discipleship is not something that happens “out there” but something that only happens when you open your life up to others (both those who believe and those who don’t yet).

ACTION: I resolve to live a life of collaboration and inclusivity, allowing God to use my life, my community and my personal space to bless others by creating a place of belonging for all who come across my path.


VALUE: A lifestyle missionary lives counter-culturally, understanding that the lifestyle of the Kingdom goes against the very grain of our human nature and our society. Live counter-culturally, communicate relevantly. A lifestyle missionary believes the spirit of God has gone ahead of us no matter where we are and our job is simply to help make His presence known, not to distribute it, to help build His kingdom not our own. By living as restorers not consumers we see creation as God’s good world damaged by sin, resulting in injustices and in need of restoration rather than a resource to be consumed on our path to a distant heaven. We bless those who curse us, turn the other cheek and lose our life to gain it.

ACTION: I resolve to be creative not critical when it comes to our damaged world looking to see all aspects of God’s creation restored to His original design locally and globally all the while risking my kingdom to build His kingdom in humility.


VALUE: A lifestyle missionary makes blessing and serving others a habit, practice, and priority rather than living a life of consumerism, draining the resources out of everything and everyone around them. By choosing to be civil and not divisive, a lifestyle missionary also promotes unity at home, with their friends, at work and in the body of Christ.

ACTION: I resolve to live primarily as a servant, blessing those around me, rather than being a burden. I will celebrate diversity in the body of Christ by embracing unity and choosing to be one who blesses instead of burdening those around me.


VALUE: A lifestyle missionary understands and maximises the idea that our world is just one click away and the opportunities to serve are endless. A lifestyle missionary explores ways that they and their friends can bring hope, salt, and light to those in greatest need globally. They do justice and love mercy by looking for ways to finish the great commission, eradicate bible poverty, alleviate global poverty and be people known by their actions in creatively pursuing solutions to social injustice globally.

ACTION: I resolve to be aware and educated in the needs of the world contributing the gifts God has given to me to see change happen globally.


VALUE: A lifestyle missionary – like Jesus – seeks to make a few whole life disciples rather than many partial converts. Disciples become disciple-makers. Converts become consumers. A lifestyle missionary walks with tenacity not apathy in their desire for long term commitment to discipleship.

ACTION: I resolve to have those in my life where by I’m living the gospel and in the event their hearts are restored to relationship with Jesus, I will walk with them as we grow in relationship with Him.


To the deeper calling of abandonment..

Chapter 09.

Worship at Prayer House, Turkey

This past April and May I led a team to Turkey and Israel and God confirmed my calling and vision, bringing His presence and His Kingdom through worship and intercession to dark places around the world.

During my visit to Korea this time I decided to go back and commit to YWAM/ Tribe for the next few years as God re-affirmed that decision. I have no idea how it’ll unfold or work it out, but all these years God’s been teaching me and strengthening my faith to step into the unknown of His glory in trusting Him alone who knows all things and the best for those who love Him.

Matt 6:32.. your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
34 Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (MSG bible in v34)

God’s been teaching me how to actually live out what it means to seek His Kingdom first in my daily decisions and choices. Last month I had a privilege to apply official ‘Missionary sent program’ from my home church but through a long process God convicted my heart to completely trust Him alone even though i really need help and support.

So i said No this time even though it might look foolish and make no sense at all.. but I didn’t want my fear to overcome me but i wanted to overcome the fear through choosing to trust God..and holding onto His promise through obeying and living out “seeking first His kingdom and righteousness” and choosing to believe all my needs will be met.. Through this offering of my act of worship I truly want to honour Him and respond Him for His love for me. 

Please continually join His mission with your support and prayer through sowing seeds to advance His kingdom! Please Click HERE to GIVE

Thank you!!

Restorers DTS 2015

Chapter 08.

 Praise God 🙂 Past June 28th we had all our 20 students graduated from our school after 6month of journey.

What an honour and privilege to be a witness of God walking along side this journey with my students how their hearts were opened and transformed by His perfect love so that their response in passion and love for God totally impacted to many lives in different places over the world.


I love my leader and co-staffs working, laughing, crying and loving together throughout the school period we walked for past last 7month! I am tremendously blessed and grateful that God brought each of our staff member and students as friends and family to my life.


Guess what!;) i committed to work with Tribe and Restorers DTS one more year until 2016 as a full time volunteer staff at Kona YWAM!

Please continually join His mission through your support and prayer sowing seeds to advance His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


Gfirst.miji@gmail.com (paypal)

Or if you’re in Korea,

KB bank 853801-04-009264

Thank you and Shalom! 🙂

Enthrone Jesus every where we go!

Chapter 07.

Worship Jesus in 99.8% musilim nation, declaring His throne and Kingdom that Jesus is the King and the Lord of this nation, Hallelujah.

“Jesus we enthrone You, we proclaim You are King, standing here in the midst of us, we raise You up with our praise. And as we worship build Your throne, and as we worship build Your throne, and as we worship build Your throne,, come Lord Jesus and take Your place!!”

                                         God spoke to me that all the seeds our team planted in every person we encounter in these nations will bear much fruits in its time and the Lord will water and grow them, and protect them day and night.   “In that day- Sing about a beautiful vineyard: I, the Lord watch over it; I water it continually, I guard it day and night so that no one may harm it.” (Isaiah  27:2-3)


 11 of us came back all safe and well to Kona, we all are more grown and thriven in each different area God moulded us into. Praise God and all glory to His name and Kingdom. Now we have one more month of debrief and re-adjusting remix time here, finishing strong in the Lord and each other for the next coming month. Please stay tune for our next update!

Support miji from Korea (KB bank: 853801-04-009264)

Outside Korea (Paypal: gfirst.miji@gmail.com)

Go! Go to the nations!

Chapter 06.

Wow! we are leaving today to two of the Middle East countries to spread the love of God and advance His Kingdom!

Please pray for our team as we embark this continual new journey with Jesus and each other, we just had one more student joined our team so now we are the team of 9 students and 2 of us! I saw the vision of our feet on the maps and as our feet land on the Middle East land, it changes to gold. Glory of God to shine and invade the nations we are going.

Romans 10:15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Please pray for unity and love between us and that the love,peace and joy of the Lord will overflow!

And it’d be really great if you could support me in prayer and finance! I’m fulfilled with air fare of outreach but I’m still in need of daily expenses!

www.jubilink/en/miji (tax deductible for both Korea & USA)

February update

Chapter 05.

Weeks are gone so fast… It’s February i cannot believe it’s almost half of lecture phase has been past. Wow many students are thriving and growing in Love of God and Jesus and Holy Spirit!

I’ve been so busy preparing outreach, contacting the hosts of those countries we are going to. Here are our team picture 😉

Go God and Go Restorers to Middle East!!


For security reasons we’re not supposed to post the name of these countries since many of local missionaries those who currently are working in the fields now could be exposed and deported out of the country so please email me personally if you want to know where! we’d actually love your prayers on that!!

Both countries have least percentage of Christianity, and one of them are under 0.2%, spiritually very dark and strong.

Students are getting healed and restored little by little and day by day by having a revelation of God’s love deeper and more for them, how He personally care for them and love them. and i’m so encouraged by looking at how God is at working in every moment in every heart of our students.. it makes me so worth it coming here to see so many lives are changing and transforming by the love of God.

Please keep our team, school and me in your prayers.. and please visit Jubilink to join this in prayers and finances.  http://www.jubilink.com/en/miji

Shalom ❤

Week 1 & 2

Chapter. 04

wk 1. Hearing the voice of God

Week 1 has started with Steve Klassen from Canada who had established Mark Training centre to disciples people from all around the world h10911280_10153067465106532_1728190939502496873_oow to listen to God’s voice. It was so amazing that his teaching was strongly rooted by the Word and students were greatly encouraged that God is always at work and speaks to us at all times so they  can hear the voice of God 🙂

wk 2. Father Heart of God

It was such an intense week for the students because as the part of the lecture, they were encouraged to face the bricks (sin pieces in their life from the past) in there deep part of hearts to move it away. Even though it was their second week everyone was really opened and being vulnerable before God and to each other to this cleansing & purifying process. There were many testimonies of being healed and freed from the past wounds and sins. God is so faithful..and good all the time.

Outreach Team revealed!


Finally! Our out-reach location has been revealed to the students, we’ll be a team of three going to three different Middle East countries and Swaziland, Africa & USA 🙂 Two teams of Six students and two staffs, and the last team of 8 students with two staffs. We are all so excited for what God is going to do in and through every student!

Please stay tuned for the next update! Week three of ‘The Nature and the Character of God’ and our mini local outreach in the city!

Please visit Jubilink to participate to change people’s lives, cities and nations from afar with prayer and in finances for monthly support!




Day One

Chapter 03.

Day One… and to be Retorered


You might be wondering why so much woods and leaves to decorate our classroom, it’s because our theme for this quarter is a Garden~

As we prayed for our school this quarter we felt God was extending an invitation for all of us to meet Him in the Garden, the Garden of Eden in Genesis One in Day One where He created us in His image for intimate relationship with Him.

We found the Garden was a place of safe sanctuary with unbridled fellowship and a place of Identity, security and provision, before sin entered to break everything.

But God wants to restore the intimacy, the first love with Him and the work has done on the Cross by our Lord Jesus Christ, all we need to do is to embrace this invitation from Him.

So we really felt God wants to ignite our heart and passion for His name, and this time He has invited us to come back to the Garden to find intimate friendship with Him again, and coming back to Day One with Him 🙂

Please click http://www.jubilink.com/en/miji to support Miji in mission!

School Preparation

Chapter 02.



With nine staffs and twenty students God will do amazing things for the next six months! All the staffs are preparing for school to be run, classroom decoration, school syllabus, and many many other things.



As we were praying for the students and the school we felt higher necessary of awareness in spiritual realm. Some of us were having warfare dreams and taking turns to get sick, so we prayed for protection and unity within the staffs and the students.

I was sick so often since I got in Kona, it could be part of physical reason that I might be overwhelmed by tiredness from lack of rest from Korea and the volcano environment here in Hawaii and probably I didn’t do my best taking care of myself well.
All these can be reasons but also definitely spiritual warfare was going on. One day as I got so discouraged by always feeling sick and tiring I was really frustrated then one of my school staff was telling me that I need to choose either one for ‘not being sick’ or ‘being sick’, choose life or death.
Since then every morning I proclaim to my body and spirit that I’d make a choice of life, and healthy body & mind for today!

How powerful that my tongue can give a life or death to our body, as it’s in the bible:) i realise it is my choice that I do NOT allow the enemy to work in my body through sickness. I believe it doesn’t work that way all the time, but
now I don’t feel sick anymore since I made that choice over the situation and it’s been so amazing.

If you feel led to support please click

Please click http://www.uofnkona.edu/training/restorers-dts/ for more information of our school training program.

Farewell to Korea

Chapter 01.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19)

farewell3 Leaving family and friends are so hard and it takes many risks leaving from well- settled life in many areas.

Even though all those realistic and rational thinking, I came across the conclusion where i really want to step in faith and walk in the favour of God with boldness and fearless for this upcoming year. It was rather my choice, i didn’t hear the audible voice of God of GO, because I desire for more in my life more radical and tangible way of His leading and teaching. Also i can be a vessel for His purpose and mission that He’s already doing outside Korea this season through every small to big things that i had learnt from my previous work experiences and church ministry i was in.

farewell1 farewell2

It was hard to say Goodbye but it also meant new beginning so right now I’m on the journey of embracing this new season and here i am working with groups of people who are radically and deeply fall in love with Jesus, for discipleship training program from University of the Nations under Youth With A Mission. And i am so excited to see what God is going to do with the students for the next six month.

For more information about University of Nations and Restorers DTS, please click here, http://www.uofnkona.edu/training/restorers-dts/

Please click here to support! http://www.jubilink.com/en/miji